Friday, August 20, 2010

What would be your patronus?

To those who used Google to find what a` patronus’ is………gosh  guys!!!…you don’t know what a patronus is….very bad..hmm well it is the a ghost like image made by a wizard to fight a dementor…the form it takes is usually ,of an animal….that resembles you…or your character.(.if you are still blank…refer harry potter-prisoner of askaban)

Harry’s patronus is a stag, Dumbledore’s is a phoenix………well if you  had one what would be yours……I know this is something that’s gonna strain….your head to dust….but just try….use your grey cells a little…..
 hmmm……so I’m gonna think what would be mine….well I had this discussion with one of my friends and after a long list of names…I finally came to this…..

my patronus would be a Pegasus……again for those who intend to google Pegasus….its a winged horse……(the one with a single horn is a unicorn….don’t get confused….)y I chose dis ???…hmmm google it n you will know!!!

 Well those who know me from school wud know..our House mag was called Pegasus…n from then on this has never left me……well the fact that we got first prize for the mag has nothing to do with this ok!!!!!!

Well I had many options actually…I had this competition between a polar bear{I hav no idea y I came up with that!!!!}and I really liked the idea of a silver doe(but since snape had the same….I put the idea away!!!)
Well mine is fixed if you have any difference in opinion…..feel free to comment!!!

Ok so let me guess…if some of my friends had……patronuses…what would they be……

Whom do I start with….ok….since I had this discussion with u…hmmm lemme start with u vips….
Well he was….really sure that nothing in this world or even mythology could suit him…he really is one rare…..ahmmmmmm………being a genetist…he was all in to create a new species……and came up with…first….A VIGER …Wat it is …well ask him….he didn’t like its  dna ,rna…prototype..blah blah… so made it undergo…some mutation, transcription, transalation and replication…and  after….a hell lot of signal transduction and transcriptional upregulation ….finally created…for the first time ever………

he says it’s a winged tiger…… well DONGON  wud hav suited him better……though…no points for guessing wat it is!!!lol!

Ok!!! for my other friends…….

Meens…….".a wailing" penguine

Terry ………an ALBATROSS with MONKEY brains..


Jithin ………a "hopping"  ROOSTER

Julies ………"A Girass"

James ………a winged fox

Nikitha……...A hibernating goat

Stephly ……….a laughing dolphin

Vineeth……….a bleating caterpillar{puyyuuuuu}

And my bro Raymond……..a branded porcupine………..

Ok that’…what???? U don’t agree….I’m waiting for yr reactions…hehe…..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

some moments I just,could't help laughing!!!!!

well for those who don't know I'm taking a break from my supposed to be profession and now am engaged in mission work.......don't misunderstand..I'm no charismatic....My mission being...spreading the gospel of English language to the population of  Kerala....well..not exactly..ahmm maybe be more precise few people of  Kaloor.....(OK!!!!I'm teaching  IELTS.....can't you let me create a li'l effect!!!)And during this novel experience I have come across few..humorous moments....that I wish to share with you!!!!only those who take the trouble of reading this!!!!!!so...HERE i GO!!!!

Que1.    Tell me about an interesting experience you had!!!!!
Ans1:     once i notebook act,me room....mat....Now Roma..No Know Me!!!!!!
                (please do not misunderstand...he meant...once I acted in the movie notebook,all children including Roma   had to sleep in a big room...on mats spread on Roma has become big star!!!) 

Que2:     (this was asked to me)Mam can you tell me what you call a girl who doesn't  have an attractive look or                          character.. .yet some guys having the same kind of character are attracted to her...yet others are not attracted to her    but she attracts........................................
Ans:      ???????????%#%%^&^#@  well ,if you know the please let me know!!!!

Que3:      Talk about a charity work you have done or participated in. 
Ans:        yes...i have done many charity works!!!! I help...girls who say I love her instrument box...and   then  she charity!!!!!!

Que4:      Mam tell me how can I improve my listening scores(for those who don't know ,listening to a conversation  and answering to questions ,is a module in IELTS exam)
ME   :      Well....!!!!! are you not understanding the accent that is used?
Student:    Mam ,since I am sound engineer...i don't hear the conversation...I hear only sounds!!!!!
ME  :       ##%$^$%^*^*(&(*)*)??      (aren't..words supposed to be a group of sensible sounds???) one was contributed by my ABCD....boss....

"So the next answer is.....MEW-CAM TO MEW-CAM".............NO CLUE?????????

WELL ...He meant FACE-FACE...n tried to convert it to malayalam!!!!!!!!   God save my mother tongue!!!!!!!!!..and English language too.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The saturday before independence!!!!

well.... the title's got nothing to do with the is as normal a Saturday as ..any wud be...
to mark this day..hmm maybe the fact that I went to work and came right back coz no students turned up....was a bit exciting!!
its 2:47 pm now...n this is the time I chose to make my new blog..if the time has gt any significance!!!
Well I got my NET BOOK..thats something cool as far as I am concerned....coz...for years I have been going to every other exhibition,to name some......vanitha ice (neva missed one since it started),manorama fiesta...and others I dont even remember the names.......Y????.....JUST TO COLLECT THE BROCHURES OF THESE LITTLE more year ..and they would have handed it over to stop me drooling over it!!!
anyway this year I finally got cute li'l hp ya !!!!!
n guess wat I gt some gifts along with it eh?
So I thought ...Y not make this day even more creating a new blog...I know wat u wud be
WHAT????An Idea sirji!!!!!!

windardium leviosa

Being a huge fan of harry potter,I chose this name for my is a spell used to lift up things...I hope this blog will lift up my spirits...and yours too....i intend to keep this philosophies!!!!!!!   If I'm gonna use this as my put down the lighter side,of my days....sounds good...????hope it works too.... c ya then...luv ya all.......